Sonja Smits
Sonja Smits career has included the lead in three television series, Street Legal, Traders and the Eleventh Hour as well as many TV movies such as Margret Lawrence's The Diviners. Her feature films, include David Cronenberg's cult classic, Videodrome and Owning Mahoney with Philip Seymour Hofffman. Sonja's theatre work has taken her across Canada as well as the US. Sonja has received numerous honours and awards for her work including a Gemini Award-Best Actress, TWFT- Outstanding Achievement Award and ACTRA Award of Excellence. She was the first artist named as President of Harbourfront Centre Board, was a founding member of ACTRA Women's Caucus and served as Chair at Toronto Artscape Foundation. Sonja is the co-owner of Closson Chase Vineyards, a pioneer in the creation of the viticulture region of Prince Edward County.